A Half-Baked Cake

 The people of Israel mingle with godless foreigners, making themselves as worthless as a half-baked cake.  Hosea 7:8 When Tom and I were first married, creating delicious meals was not part of my repetoire.  I can’t even remember ever making a meal before I was married.  I had to jump in quickly and learn how to maneuver aroundContinue reading “A Half-Baked Cake”

Raised to Walk in Newness of Life

My hope and prayer is that this encouragement to Philemon from Paul would be true of you and me! That we would, ”Be a fountain, not a drain.” But not just any kind of fountain, a fountain overflowing from all the good things we have Christ because He is a never- ending well! 

Two Lions

In 1941 a photograph was taken of Winston Churchill.  The picture is now famous and is entitled, The Roaring Lion.  The photographer portrayed Churchill’s essence beautifully.  He sat sternly and seemed to have a roar; this image captured all of that.