Bone-Tired -Season 1 Episode 12

So many areas of our lives can cause us to feel tired, drained and sometimes down right exhausted.  Being weary is part of every human’s experience. Whether you are a student, a working adult, a young parent, or a well-seasoned Grandparent, you have faced the feeling of being spent and drained.  In today’s episode, we are going to chat about how we can keep from becoming bone-tired in doing good.  In Galatians 6:9 Paul writes, Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  Join us as we discuss what Paul meant in Galatians 6:7-9 and how we can heed its advice.

Swimming Upstream-Season 1 Episode 11

Often, we can find ourselves swimming upstream when most of our world is swimming in the opposite direction. Join us today as we chat about how to find the endurance to swim against a strong current in a way that makes much of Jesus.

Shining Ever So Brightly!- Season 1-Episode 10

Shining like bright lights means letting the fruit of love, joy, peace, etc…. spill out all over our lives. The Spirit’s fruit in a growing believers life is so bright and brilliant; humanity will take notice, especially against the backdrop of a muddied world. Join us today as we talk about shining ever so brightly.